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Professional design and production of PVC, APET, PS and other colors of blister packaging products, and offset printing boxes, cylinders and other packaging plastic products.
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Cylinder series

Cylinder series

A cylinder refers to a cylinder that will become unstable and produce two corrugations under a certain external pressure. The ratio of the length to the diameter and the ratio of the diameter to the thickness of such a cylinder is relatively large, and the heads or annular rigid parts at both ends of the cylinder cannot strengthen the cylinder in the middle, and are more prone to instability and flattening. 
Cylinder series

Cylinder series

A cylinder refers to a cylinder that will become unstable and produce two corrugations under a certain external pressure. The ratio of the length to the diameter and the ratio of the diameter to the thickness of such a cylinder is relatively large, and the heads or annular rigid parts at both ends of the cylinder cannot strengthen the cylinder in the middle, and are more prone to instability and flattening.
Cylinder series

Cylinder series

A cylinder refers to a cylinder that will become unstable and produce two corrugations under a certain external pressure. The ratio of the length to the diameter and the ratio of the diameter to the thickness of such a cylinder is relatively large, and the heads or annular rigid parts at both ends of the cylinder cannot strengthen the cylinder in the middle, and are more prone to instability and flattening.
Cylinder series

Cylinder series

A cylinder refers to a cylinder that will become unstable and produce two corrugations under a certain external pressure. The ratio of the length to the diameter and the ratio of the diameter to the thickness of such a cylinder is relatively large, and the heads or annular rigid parts at both ends of the cylinder cannot strengthen the cylinder in the middle, and are more prone to instability and flattening.
Cylinder series

Cylinder series

A cylinder refers to a cylinder that will become unstable and produce two corrugations under a certain external pressure. The ratio of the length to the diameter and the ratio of the diameter to the thickness of such a cylinder is relatively large, and the heads or annular rigid parts at both ends of the cylinder cannot strengthen the cylinder in the middle, and are more prone to instability and flattening.
Cylinder series

Cylinder series

A cylinder refers to a cylinder that will become unstable and produce two corrugations under a certain external pressure. The ratio of the length to the diameter and the ratio of the diameter to the thickness of such a cylinder is relatively large, and the heads or annular rigid parts at both ends of the cylinder cannot strengthen the cylinder in the middle, and are more prone to instability and flattening.
Cylinder series

Cylinder series

A cylinder refers to a cylinder that will become unstable and produce two corrugations under a certain external pressure. The ratio of the length to the diameter and the ratio of the diameter to the thickness of such a cylinder is relatively large, and the heads or annular rigid parts at both ends of the cylinder cannot strengthen the cylinder in the middle, and are more prone to instability and flattening.
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Room D, 6 / F, information technology centre, 21 hung to road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

AM 8:00 ~ PM 6:00


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